Monday, August 10, 2015

5 Things I'd Like My Children To Know

5 Things I’d Like My Children To Know

(Photo by Valerie Porter)
There’s Nothing You Can Do That Will Make Me Stop Loving You

I love you. You may not recall, but you used to be a baby. A baby that would shoot vomit or yellow explosive poop all over my whole self every few hours. 

But guess what?? I still thought your chubby cheeks (butt cheeks included) were the cutest things to ever grace the planet earth.  Believe me when I say, there is nothing you can do that will make me stop loving you.

Nothing. Nada. Zippo

If you become a serial killer, I will call the police, change the locks on my doors and board up the windows, BUT…. I. Will. Not. Stop. Loving. You. 

Your Pain Is My Pain

When you were two, we decided to torture you by taking your binky away. You sat in your room and cried for an entire hour. I know, it was extremely traumatizing and you can blame your serial killing on that if you’d like. What you probably don’t realize is while you were screaming your guts out; I was sitting in my room crying right along with you. 

 When I dropped you off at school and saw you standing alone in the corner of the playground with tears running down your face, I had to practically tie my hands to the steering wheel to keep myself from jumping over the fence to rescue you.

When you had to go the emergency room, I stood by your side, putting on a brave face telling you everything would be all right.  But I really felt like screaming on the top of my lungs, “MAKE IT STOP!!!” as I punched the walls (and any nurse that couldn’t get your IV in on the first try).  

When you don’t get asked to a school dance,

When you don’t make the team,

When you miss a word in a spelling bee,

I feel it.

If I could take away all of your pain,

I would.

But I also understand that feeling pain helps us recognize and appreciate joy. My greatest wish is for you to have more happy days than sad, more laughter than tears and more joy than despair. Unfortunately, we all have bad days. Just know that when the rain comes pouring down,

You Are Not Alone.

(Photo by Valerie Porter)

Be Picky

Remember all of the times we’ve told you to love everyone, forgive others and try not to judge? All great advice…except when it comes to dating.  Well, it’s still great advice, but let me make a few modifications. 
 Don’t judge a book by its cover,

BUT if it turns out to be a crappy, no good book that treats you poorly and encourages you to lower your standards, you don’t have to finish it. 

When it comes to forgiving people,

Do it.


Just know that forgiving someone doesn’t mean you have to stay in a relationship with him or her. Find someone who respects you. Find someone who serves other people. Find someone who loves you for who you are. 

If the person you are with is dragging you down,

Forgive them.

And then walk away.

Far far away.

Walk to Kansas.

(Photo by Valerie Porter)

Hard Work Is The Key To Happiness

Well, maybe not THE key, but it is A key.  Everything worth having requires work. Marriage, children, home, green grass, education, employment, chocolate chip cookies, clean clothes…EVERYTHING. Please don’t hate us because we make you do chores. We’re not just using you because we don’t want to clean the toilets ourselves.

(That only happens on Tuesdays.)

We give you responsibilities so you can learn how to lead successful, productive lives.  A good work ethic isn’t something that you can order off of Amazon and if you can learn how to work hard when you’re small, it’s going to be a heck of a lot easier to swallow when you get to enjoy the freedoms/shackles of adulthood.  When you get your first job you’ll notice there are teens dropping like flies all around you. They don’t feel like coming to work today because their boyfriend told them their hair looked weird in a visor, or their cat is feeling sick, or they have a splinter in their pinky toe.

Don’t Be That Kid.

Be Happy With Who You Are

Warning: You are going to have a strong urge to ignore everything I’m about to say because I’m your mother. Please, do me a favor and pretend I’m not your mother for a paragraph or two.  

There is something uniquely wonderful about you. 

(Photo by Valerie Porter)

You are beautiful and strong and interesting.  

You will have so many opportunities to magnify those qualities, 

but before you can, 

you’re going to need to believe that you are beautiful and strong and interesting. 

(Photo by Valerie Porter)
People will say things about you that will make you doubt yourself and make you want to stick your head in the sand. People can be mean. Really mean. When that happens,


Don’t fight them, fight the words they put in your head.

(Unless they are physically trying to harm you, then by all means, kick them in the junk sack.)  

But whatever you do, don’t join their team. 

Don’t look in the mirror and attack the beauty that is you.  

Remind yourself daily that you are uniquely wonderful and then go out and serve.  The best antidote for a “bad hair day” or a “feeling fat day” is forgetting about you and doing something good for someone else. When you serve others, you’ll be reminded of your worth.  

And if you need someone else to remind you of your worth, 

Call your mother. 

Call me.
(Photo by Valerie Porter)